Saturday, July 18, 2009

Adding a digg Button to Blogger

Here are the steps to add a digg button to Blogger. Digg is a useful tool for surfing content you are interested in. Hopefully a digg user will see your content on digg, once its submitted by the first 'digger', and go to your blog. This button will be in every post.

Step 1. Go to the Layout tab from the Blogger dashboard. Then click Edit HTML and make sure you check the 'Expand Widgets Template' option.

Step 2. Search for this piece of code, , using CTRL+F.

Step 3. Insert this code directly below it.

<div style='float:right; margin-left:10px;'>
<script type='text/javascript'>
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>

Step 4. Preview and Save.

I try to submit every post to digg. If others find it useful or interesting, they will digg it as well. I have gotten a little bit of traffic using this method, and some of it repeat visitors.

Removing or Hacking the Blogger Bar

This was among one of the first things I did when I look to change the way my blog looks. If you use you may find it useful, maybe you like the look. It is not really a hack but I am labeling it as one for search purposes. Anyhow here's how to do it.

Step 1. Go to the Layout tab of your blog from the Blogger dashboard. Then click Edit HTML.

Step 2. There is a small string of code you will enter into the text box. Try to put it near the top, just after the comments as shown in the picture.

Code: #navbar-iframe { height:0px; visibility:hidden; display:none; }

Step 3. Preview and Save

And that's it.

Week 1

So I have been blogging for about a week now and have learned a lot. First you won't get a bunch of traffic at first. I have been working harder at getting my blog out there than I have at writing actual posts. I don't think that I need to focus so much on traffic at first until there is enough good meaty content to keep people coming back.

Second, getting a really good looking layout is quite tough. I have rummaged through countless blogger template sites before I found what I felt was the perfect look for my blog. Overall I have learned quite a bit. I am going to make a few posts about the tools I used to promote my blog.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


I wanted to start a blog to track my successes and failures as I, myself, begin blogging. I want to offer tips on what works for me and gives me the best results. You will find posts on the resources I try and which have successes and which don't. I will try to update a few times a week with at least one weekly overview of how my adventure is going.